Mobile Wiki Server - Structure

for iPhone


This Product is no longer offered.

How the Wiki page is structured is driven by the style sheet and structure information which you edit via the Design command.

By default we display the name of the page at the top left:

“WikiServer’, below this is “Help” which is the top level of the help and information pages.

At the top right we have an empty “Search” box, entering text data in this box will search for pages in the Wiki, and display a clickable list below the search box. At this time the WikiServer contents are not index by the device’s Search screen.

On the left side we have Edit commands.

Add                    - To add a new page to the Wiki.

Copy                  - To make a copy of a Wiki page.

Design               - To edit the structure and style sheets, and design.

Edit                    - To edit the Wiki page (Also see Wiki command).

Move                 - To move a page.

Settings             - To change the page title, and style sheet.

View                   - To view the page.

If “Public can Edit’ is OFF then the commands Add, Copy, Design, Edit, Move, and Settings are not shown. However the device user can use the Wiki command to change the contents of the current page.

Below this are Navigation commands.

Changes           - The last five changes to the Wiki.

Report               - Report detailed information on each item in page.

Text                   - Show Wiki page as text data.

View                  - To view the page.

A special command for on device editing is

Wiki                   - Edit Wiki page in Wiki syntax format

                            This lets you edit the page on the device using a

                            multi-line text edit screen. If you invoke this on a desktop

                            browser we instead show the text in Wiki text format.