Mobile Wiki Server - Info

for iPhone


This Product is no longer offered.

The Info Screen is accessible by tapping the (i) icon on the Status Screen

It shows the basic license overview, detailed license information is shown by choosing the license page in the Wiki or can be viewed on the web site License Page. You can use the Done button to return to the Status Screen.

At the bottom of the screen is the version number, this information is needed if you report a problem to our technical support staff. The first version of WikiServer in the store was 1.3.5c, the first free update was 1.4.3 which was sent to Apple for approval July 7th, 2009, the second free update was 1.4.4 which was approved on Aug 7th, 2009, the third update was approved Sept 30th, 2009, our fourth update 1.5 was approved on Nov 10th, 2009.

Always refer to the web site License page for the most current and correct information about the licenses used by the application.

Info Screen

Showing abbreviated license information